Determined to electrify
your P2P network


Our Mission

We are on a mission to measure the performance of Web3.0 network protocols, benchmark protocols against target performance milestones and propose improvements to their core design principles.


Our Vision

No blockchain network should ever lose monetary value due to a network-layer protocol failure or attack. Scalability challenges should never be due to network-layer protocol weaknesses.

Our Story and Purpose

We exist in order to make your network better, faster and safer, so that you don't have to. And while doing that save you money too!

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Networks Monitored


Crawls per week


Nodes Tracked


Years in operation

Our Dedicated Team

Learn about our history and impact

The ProbeLab team initially formed within Protocol Labs, in 2021, to focus on measuring IPFS, libp2p and Filecoin. Over time, it became clear that ProbeLab's services would be of value to dozens other teams and networks outside of the Protocol Labs Network. As such, the team is operating independently as of January 2024 and has been working with top teams in the Web3.0 space.

We have always been driven by:

The rigour of academic studies
The power of data
The satisfaction of seeing improvements in the wild

Past Studies

Having been part of the core maintainers team of IPFS and libp2p, the ProbeLab team has gained first-hand experience in maintaining, improving and measuring this suite of protocols.

Some of our most impactful past studies include:

Identified severe network incidents and reduced the IPFS fetch latency by 50%


Optimised the IPFS network's architecture and saved >$1.2M/yr


Verified that the IPFS DHT's routing table is in a healthy state


Carried out an extensive libp2p NAT Hole Punching study and contributed several improvements to the protocol


You can find more of our past studies in our Github repository and the metrics and networks we're monitoring currently at

Current Status

As of January 2024, the ProbeLab team became independent of Protocol Labs. The ProbeLab team is currently part of a wider collective, the Interplanetary Shipyard, that includes the core maintainer teams of IPFS and libp2p, as these became independent of Protocol Labs.

The ProbeLab team is offering its services and has set up collaborations with several blockchain networks. Customers include primarily those who understand the critical role of the P2P layer in blockchain networks and care about its correct functioning.
